Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What will a renewable energy economy look like? Part 1 of 3

What will a renewable energy economy look like? Part 1 of 3. If we move toward renewable, sustainable, clean forms of energy production, what will our economy look like in Kansas?


Robert Stockham said...

I used to live in Kansas when I was young. I remember the awe in seeing the oil wells pumping away whenever we went on a road trip. Imagine the awe of the next generation at being able to see new modern wind turbines, all along the fields generating electricity. And with the growth of local and quality foods, the whole of Kansas economy could be rethought on wind power and small family farms.

TheSitRep said...

A few problem. Those wind turbines were not made in the U.S.. They kill birds of prey, They ice up and self destruct in ice storms and shatter when tornadoes hit them. Oh yeah and they are smack dab in the middle of tornado alley.
I live off grid with 1000 watts solar and burn used veg oil in my generator. Raise my own food. Collect rain water. The problem with our power system is that people don't produce their own so they waste it. Just like people on food stamps buy wasteful and foolish food items, they don't care cause it isn't their money.

The only reason Germany has so much wind power is that the gubment subsidized it. Why? Because it isn't a good idea. If it was a good idea no subsidy would be necessary.

Toyota loses money when the sells a Prius and GM will do the same when they sell Volts. Electric cars won't be a good idea until we have Nuke plants like France does.

We can build cars now that would burn diesel cleanly and get 70+ mpg. we can run cars off CNG and methane too.

There are too many dumb ass hippies that have no understanding of energy making policy and they keep making poor choices that are going to set alternative energy back 100 years.

Unknown said...

This is a great topic with real solutions for the economy and jobs in my home state Texas. Good Work!

tjmitchell4 said...


Where do you get these facts? Turbines are being increasingly made in the U.S. nowadays. They only kill birds of prey if they are constructed poorly. The don't ice up, again, if they are made correctly. Buildings and nuclear plants are in tornado alley; does that make it wrong to develop there at all?
Producing your own electricity is nice and all, but remember we have over 6 billion people on the planet: how are people going to afford to have their own renewable energy given different economic statuses? People waste because they aren't educated on how to be efficient. That's why I think education is key and should be the main focus for the next 10 years.

At least Germany is subsidizing something that isn't polluting the environment daily.

Nuclear is not necessary at all. There are storage issues and I don't even have to explain Fukashima to you.

There is no such thing as clean diesel as you say. There just isn't. It is a scam by Big Oil to delay the onset of renewable energy.

I don't think you should be name-calling to people that want to make sure that your future family lives in a clean environment full of clean energy. Taking action is better than just complaining, using little-researched facts.

Unknown said...

Excellent, positive article! Can't wait to see ore wind, solar & othe types of renewables hitting Canada. Just gotta get rid of Harper.
I think starting to gro your own food and make your own power is the best move anyone can make!